Learn to name your emotions:
When you are feeling something, ask yourself which category of emotion it fits with.
Love – passion, caring, affection, attraction, warmth…
Sadness – blue mood, despair, grief, feeling down, hurt, disappointed…
Fear – anxiety, nervousness, panic, terror, shock…
Happiness – joy, elated, excited, content, relieved, eager, pride…
Anger – rage, irritable, grumpy, cranky, aggravated…
Guilt – regret, sorry, remorse…
Shame – embarrassed, humiliated, shy, self conscious…
Disgust – aversion, disdain, dislike, repelled…
Envy – pettiness, bitterness, dissatisfied, longing…
Jealousy – clinging, protective, possessive…
Feeling is not only about emotion. It is about sensation and perception. When you name it and describe it, it loses some if it’s power.